

Kathi, one of the company’s founders, has expanded the business from a start-up to RM15 million in revenue by 2020. With 16 years of experience in several countries in technical, operations, sales, and company growth. His conviction is “A business culture takes time to build. Everybody must adhere to that culture to the letter.

Rozali is a prominent member of the Barium Selat Group, responsible for capital raising and investment management. He has 25 years of experience working in the construction and oil and gas industries in a variety of nations. If you’re a newcomer to Barium Selat, he’ll almost certainly recruit you to join his book worm colony.

Gilbert joined the Barium Selat group in 2018 and currently serves as the Recycling & Waste Management division’s leader. Gilbert assisted in the rapid establishment of a Liquid Mud Plant in Ranong. With 40 years of expertise in technology and operations, he spends his free time not only solving current and future challenges but also demonstrating his talent through karaoke sessions with others.

Navin is the Managing Director of the Barium Selat group of enterprises’ Chemicals & Technology division. He began his career in 2000 at ON Semiconductor, where he worked in process engineering, quality, and operations. Navin oversaw international product transfers in a variety of countries. Whenever he has free time, he will always mingle and inquire, “What are you doing this weekend?” as a small effort to initiate a discussion with others.